#karva chauth ki katha
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karva chauth ki katha | करवा चौथ की कथा #karwachauth2024
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Karwa chauth vrat katha: करवा चौथ पर पढ़ें साहूकार के सात लड़के वाली यह पौराणिक Karwa chauth संपूर्णकथा
Karva Chauth vrat ki kahani in hindi:करवा चौथ पर चंद्र दर्शन सेपहलेव्रत की कहानी पढ़ी जाती है। कुछ लोग व्रत की कथा दोपहर 12 बजेके बाद पढ़ लेतेहैंऔर कुछ लोग व्रत की कथा शाम को चंद्र दर्शऩ सेपहले कार्तिक मास के कृष्ण पक्ष की चन्द्रोदय व्यापिनी चतुर्थी के दिन करवा चौथ का व्रत किया जाता है। इस साल यह व्रत 1 नवंबर को रखा जाएगा। पति के दीर्घायुएवं अखण्ड सौभाग्य के लिए, इस दिन भालचन्द्र गणेश जी की…
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करवा चौथ की कहानी || Karva chauth Ki Kahani || Karva chauth ki katha
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करवा चौथ व्रत कथा 2022 | Karwa Chauth Vrat Katha | Amrit Kahaniya | Bhak...
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Karwa Chauth Vrat Katha: व्रत के दिन जरूर सुनें करवा माता की ये कथा, मिलेगा पतिव्रता का वरदान
Karwa Chauth Vrat Katha: व्रत के दिन जरूर सुनें करवा माता की ये कथा, मिलेगा पतिव्रता का वरदान
कार्तिक मास की शुक्ल पक्ष की तिथि में यह व्रत मनाया जाता है. पूरे दिन अपने पति के लिए निर्जला रहकर पत्नियां ये व्रत रखती हैं और उनकी लंबी उम्र की कामना भी करती हैं. मिट्टी के करवे पर मौली बांधकर रोली से एक स्वास्तिक ��नाकर उसपर रोली से तेरह बिन्दियां लगाकर चन्द्रमा को अर्घ्य देती हैं. इससे पहले इस व्रत की कथा सुनी जाती है, यह कथा सुनने से ही यह व्रत पूरा होता है, आईए जानते हैं यह व्रत की कहानी क्या है
कैसे सुनें कथा महिलाएं व्रत के दिन हाथ में गेहूं के तेरह दानें लेकर कहानी कहती हैं और कुछ सुनती हैं. कहानी सुनने के बाद कुछ गेहूं के दानें लोटे में डालते हैं और कुछ दानें साड़ी के पल्ले में बांध लेती हैं.रात को चांद को देखकर लोटे का जल सूरज को देती हैं. एक थाली में फल, मिठाई, चावल भरा हुआ खांड का करवा और रुपए रखकर बायना निकालकर अपनी सासू मां या फिर घर की बड़ी बहू यानी जेठानी या भाभी को देती हैं.
क्या है पूरी कहानी?-1
हिन्दू धर्म के अनुसार कार्तिक महीने में पूर्णिमा के चौथ दिन करवा चौथ वाला त्योहार मनाया जाता है। इस दिन सुहागिन महिलाओं द्वारा अपने पति की लंबी लंबी उम्र की कामना के साथ निर्जला व्रत रखती हैं। इस दिन श्याम को करवा चौथ कथा की कहानी पढ़ते कर शाम के समय चंद्रमा निकलने के बाद वे चंद्रमा को अर्घ्य देती हैं और पति का तिलक आदि करने के बाद पति के हाथों से पानी पीकर अपना व्रत खोलती हैं।
इस दिन भगवान शिव, गणेश जी और स्कन्द यानि कार्तिकेय के साथ बनी गौरी के चित्र की सभी उपचारों के साथ पूजा की जाती है। कहते हैं कि Karva Chauth Vrat Katha करने से जीवन में पति का साथ हमेशा बना रहता है। साथ ही, सौभाग्य की प्राप्ति और जीवन में सुख-शांति बनी रहती है।
Chauth Mata ki Kahani in Hindi PDF | करवाचौथ व्रत की कथा (कहानी)
एक साहूकार के एक पुत्री और सात पुत्र थे। करवा चौथ के दिन साहूकार की पत्नी, बेटी और बहुओं ने व्रत रखा। रात्रि को साहूकार के पुत्र भोजन करने लगे तो उन्होंने अपनी वहन से भोजन करने के लिए कहा। बहन वोली- “भाई! अभी चन्द्रमा नहीं निकला है, उसके निकलने पर मैं अर्घ्य देकर भोजन करूँगी।” इस पर भाइयों ने नगर से बाहर जाकर अग्नि जला दी और छलनी ले जाकर उसमें से प्रकाश दिखाते हुए बहन से कहा- “वहन! चन्द्रमा निकल आया है, अर्घ्य देकर भोजन कर लो।”
बहन अपनी भाभियों को भी बुला लाई कि तुम भी चन्द्रमा को अर्घ्य दे लो, किन्तु वे अपने पतियों की करतूत जानती थीं। उन्होंने कहा- “वाईजी! अभी चन्द्रमा नहीं निकला है। तुम्हारे भाई चालाकी करते हुए अग्नि का प्रकाश छलनी से दिखा रहे हैं।” किन्तु बहन ने भाभियों की बात पर ध्यान नहीं दिया और भाइयों द्वारा दिखाए प्रकाश को ही अर्घ्य देकर भोजन कर लिया। इस प्रकार व्रत भंग होने से गणेश जी उससे रुष्ट हो गए। इसके बाद उसका पति सख्त बीमार हो गया और जो कुछ घर में था, उसकी बीमारी में लग गया। साहूकार की पुत्री को जब अपने दोष का पता लगा तो वह पश्चातप से भर उठी।
गणेश जी से क्षमा-प्रार्थना करने के बाद उसने पुनः विधि-विधान से चतुर्थी का व्रत करना आरम्भ कर दिया। श्रद्धानुसार सवका आदर सत्कार करते हुए, सबसे आशीर्वाद लेने में ही उसने मन को लगा दिया। इस प्रकार उसके श्रद्धाभक्ति सहित कर्म को देख गणेश जी उस पर प्रसन्न हो गए। उन्होंने उसके पति को जीवनदान दे उसे बीमारी से मुक्त करने के पश्चात् धन-सम्पत्ति से युक्त कर दिया। इस प्रकार जो कोई छल-कपट से रहित श्रद्धाभक्तिपूर्वक चतुर्थी का व्रत करेगा, वह सव प्रकार से सुखी होते हुए कष्ट-कंटकों से मुक्त हो जाएगा।
धार्मिक कथा के अनुसार एक गांव में करवा देवी अपने पति के साथ तुंगभद्रा नदी के पास रहती थी. एक दिन करवा के पति स्नान के लिए नदी में गए तो मगरमच्छ ने उनका पैर पकड़ लिया और अंदर की ओर खींचने लगा. रक्षा के लिए उसने अपनी पत्नी को पुकारा. पति को मृत्यु के मुंह में जाता देख करवा ने एक कच्चे धागे से मगरमच्छ को पेड़ से बांध दिया.
पतिव्रत पत्नी करवा के जाल में मगरमच्छ ऐसा बंधा की हिलना भी मुश्किल हो गया. पति की हालात बहुत नाजुक थी. इसके बाद करवा देवी ने यमराज को पुकारा और पति की रक्षा कर जीवनदान और मगरमच्छ को मृत्यु देने का आग्रह किया. यमराज ने कहा अभी मगरमच्छ की आयु शेष है लेकिन तुम्हारे पति के यमलोक जाने का समय आ चुका है. करवा क्रोधित हो गई और ऐसा न करने पर यमराज को श्राप देने की चेतावनी दे दी.
करवा देवी ने दिया जीवनदान (Karwa Chauth Vrat Katha in Hindi)
यमराज ने करवा देवी के सतीत्व से प्रभावित होकर उसके पति की आयु में वृद्धि कर दी और उसे जीवनदान दे दिया. वही�� मगरमच्छ को यमलोक भेज दिया. कहते हैं इस घटना के दिन कार्तिक माह के कृष्ण पक्ष की चतुर्थी तिथि थी. मान्यता है इस दिन जो सुहागिनें पत्नी धर्म निभाते हुए निर्जला व्रत कर सच्चे मन से करवा माता की पूजा करती हैं उन्हें अखंड सौभाग्यवती का वरदान मिलता है. उसके बाद से ही करवा चौथ व्रत की परंपरा शुरू हो गई. इसके बाद गणेश जी की भी कथा और कहानी सुनी जाती है
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करवा चौथ की व्रत कथा - Karva Chauth Vrat Katha || Karwa Chauth Ki Katha - Karva Chauth 2022 https://youtu.be/TLZS83wzvmE
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Karva Chauth Ki Katha Hindi Mein- करवा चौथ कथा
Karva Chauth Ki Katha Hindi Mein- करवा चौथ कथा
हमारी इस लेख में हम आपको करवा चौथ की व्रत कथा सुनाने वाले हैं एक साहूकार के साथ पुत्र और एक पुत्री थी। एक बार कार्तिक मास की कृष्ण पक्ष की चतुर्थी तिथि को साहूकार की पत्ती सहित सातों बहू और बेटी ने करवा चौथ का व्रत रखा जब साहूकार के बेटे पूजन करने पर थे तब उन्होंने अपनी बहन से खाना खाने को कहा तब बहन बोली भाई अभी चांद नहीं निकला है चांद निकलने पर उसे अर्घ देकर ही मैं भोजन करूंगी, साहूकार के बेटे…
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हम हर वर्ष करवाचौथ का व्रत बड़ी ही धूमधाम के साथ रखते हैं जो एक पति-पत्नी के रिश्ते को मजबूती प्रदान करता हैं लेकिन इसके पीछे कौनसी कथा जुड़ी हुई हैं व इसे मनाने के पीछे क्या उद्देश्य हैं? आज हम आपके साथ वही साँझा करेंगे।
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Karva chauth is considered to be one of the most important festivals in India and the Hindu religion. Karva chauth got more popular because of the cinemas and TV shows. On the day of karva chauth, married women fast for the entire day. They fast on Kartik Chandradaya Vyapini Chaturthi. Women keep the fast for their husbands' longevity, prosperity and wellbeing. It is crucial for the women to eat or drink before sunrise, as, after sunrise, she cannot eat or drink anything. The fast lasts until the rise of the moon. Women break their fast after moonrise.
Karva Chauth Vrat Vidhi- Fasting method
It is a strict day-long fast. It starts early in the morning so the women wake up before sunrise and eat food like nuts, fruits, juice, vermicelli kheer, mathri etc .
Since it starts early in the morning so women prepare a karva chauth sargi ki thali a day before karvachauth.
Take a bath before the fast, and start the karva chauth fast.
In the evening, women dress up and gather together to perform karvachauth puja. All the women sit in a circle.
The katha is read aloud by one of the women as the thali with a sweet, glass of water, a diya, and other pooja material is passed around in a circle.
Read more at karvachauth.com
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karva chauth ki katha | करवा चौथ की कथा #karwachauth2024
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Watch "करवा चौथ की कथा || Karwa Chauth ki katha | Karva Chauth Vrat Katha | karva chauth ki kahani" on YouTube
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As Karva Chauth celebration date comes near, married women become so happy and starts the preparation of celebration few days before in advance. They eagerly wait for this date with lots of courage and happiness. This festival is a lot more than the festival of Diwali for them. They buy everything new like cosmetics (also called shringar ka saman), traditional adornments, jewelleries, saree, sandle, earrings, bangles, neckless, nail polish, bindi, puja items, Karva lamps, henna, matthi, puja thali, etc from the local bazaar. Few days before the celebration, market gives a festive look as shopkeepers starts decorating their shops to sell more goods of puja or decoration.At some places (like Punjab) women awake in the early morning (before 4 AM) to eat something and drink water before the sunrise as they have to keep fast for whole day long till moon-rise. At other place in Uttar Pradesh, it is a ritual to eat some soot feni with the milk and sugar in the evening on a day earlier to the festival in order to keep their body without water and food on the next day. It is important for them to eat fenia in a pre-dawn meal.There is a ritual of sargi in the Punjab. Sargi is a collection of decorative goods for married woman, sweets and other eatable things which are given by the mother-in-law to her daughter-in-law every year on the occasion of Karwa Chauth. It is a ritual that when a newly married bride keeps her first time Karwa Chauth fast, she has to follow her mother-in-law. Means the way she is told by her mother-in-law first time, she has to follow all that for whole life. If she is told by her mother-in-law to drink water or drink tea or juice or some other ways during the fast time, she can follow that throughout her life. It is also the ritual of preparing a pre-dawn meal having fenia (it is a form of vermicelli used in the seviyan and falooda however fenia is much thinner than seviyan) by the mother-in-law for her daughter-in-law.The fast begins from the early morning when sun rises. Women apply henna to their hair, hand and legs. They pass their whole day with friends and relatives, enjoy a lot and laugh. They exchange some painted clay pots (Karva) which are filled with the bangles, bindi, ribbons, sweets, home-made candies, cosmetic goods, handkerchiefs, etc among their married friends and relatives. Married women also get some gifts from their Parents and husband.In the evening, they take bath, get prepared in full make-up and well dressed and get together with the community women to participate in the ceremony. They do puja with lots of preparations, hear Karwa Chauth katha, sing songs, etc. The women, who kept fast, sit in the circle by having puja thali depending on their culture and tradition. In UP and Rajasthan, one of them (mostly an eldest woman or a priest) narrates a story of Karva Chauth Vrat (Gauri, Ganesh and Shankar), and then they sing Karva Chauth puja song by performing feris (means passing their thalis to one another in the circle) seven times. There are some restrictions which should be followed by the women having fast such as weaving cloths, pleading someone, please a person, awakening someone sleeping (suthra jagayeen naa).They do total seven feris, in the first six feris they sing like: “Veero kudiye Karvara, Sarv suhagan Karvara, Aye katti naya teri naa, Kumbh chrakhra feri naa, Aar pair payeen naa, Ruthda maniyen naa, Suthra jagayeen naa, Ve veero kuriye Karvara, Ve sarv suhagan Karvara” whereas in the seventh feri: “Veero kudiye Karvara, Sarv suhagan Karvara, Aye katti naya teri nee, Kumbh chrakhra feri bhee, Aar pair payeen bhee, Ruthda maniyen bhee, Suthra jagayeen bhee, Ve veero kuriye Karvara, Ve sarv suhagan Karvara”.There is another ritual in the Rajasthan, a fasting woman is asked by another woman that “Dhapi ki Ni Dhapi?” (means she is satiated or not?), she responds that “Jal se Dhapi, Suhaag se na Dhapi” (I am satisfied by water not by husband). In other regions of Uttar Pradesh, there is different ritual of worshiping “gaur mata” the earth. Women take little soil, sprinkle water on it and place some kumkum over it and treat this as an idol means a fertile Mother, the Earth.They also sing like “Sadaa suhagan karve lo, Pati ki pyari karve lo, Saat bhaiyon ke behen karve lo, Vart karni karve lo, Saas ki pyaari karve lo” while exchanging their karva thali. After pooja, they offer some Prasad (also called baayna) like halwa, puri, mathri, namkeen, sweets, meethi mathri, etc to the idols and then give their pooja thali to the mother-in-law or sister-in-law.After the pooja ceremony, women start waiting for the rising moon so that they can drink some water and eat something. Once the moon gets visible in the sky all fasting woman go outside or top floor with her husband to see the moon with chalani or its reflection in the water filled vessel. They offer Arghya to the moon to get blessings and then turn to their husband to see in the same way as moon. They also pray for the long life, wellness and safety of their husbands forever.Now it is the time for all Suhagan to break the fast by having some sweets and water by the hand of husband. At the end, husband takes a glass of water and sweet from the pooja thali and let her wife to drink a first sip of water after a long day with his hand. After breaking fast, a woman can have her complete meal in the night.
RITUALS OF ARVA CHAUTH : As Karva Chauth celebration date comes near, married women become so happy and starts the preparation of celebration few days before in advance.
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Karwa Chauth (Part 2) - Rituals, Pooja vidhi and Muhurats
This year the Karwa Chauth Begins on 16:58 PM on 8th October, 2017 and will ends on 14:16 PM on 9th October 2017.
Karwa Chauth Puja Muhurat = 17:55 PM to 19:09 PM (Duration = 1 Hour 14 Mins)
Karwa Chauth Moonrise in Chandigarh 20:35 PM.
Karwa Chauth festival is of particular importance to all the women but how to observe this festival and fast may vary from place to place. This festival requires a through planning before the actual date and the following list of items can prove to be handful, especially for women who are doing their first Karva Chauth vrat.
Following items are needed on this day
- Food Items
- Sargi: which includes pheni (a sweet made of milk and semolina), a dish made of some cereal like parantha , sweets and fruits
- Ten matthis with ten puas (a sweet made of jaggery)
- Halwa
- Sringar or Beauty Essential Items
- Mehndi (Henna) on palms and feet.
- Colourful glass bangles.
- Makeup items like Bindi, sindoor, lipstick, rouge, kajal, eye-liner, mascara etc.
- Jewelry – Mangalsutra, maangtika, rings, bangles, necklace, earrings, payal, toe-rings, nosepin etc.
- Cloth Items
- Baya (gifts for the mother-in-law – ideally, a sari)
- A set of new clothes
- Puja Items
- Platform for the puja
- Cowdung to make the image of the goddess
- Tika, Nath, Sindur, a strand of red thread
- Karva (vessel containing water)
- A plate
Karwa Chauth - Early morning rituals:
- Wake up before dawn; take bath and Chant Maa Parvati’s Name.
- Worship Lord Ganesh, Shiva, Parvati, Kartikeya and the moon.
- After worshipping above Lords, women should take a pledge or Sankalp, to keep the fast for the wellbeing of the husband and the family.
- It is important to recite that the fasting would be without any food or the water and the fast would be broken after sighting the moon.
- Following Mantra is chanted while taking the pledge –
- “मम सुखसौभाग्य पुत्रपौत्रादि सुस्थिर श्री प्राप्तये करक चतुर्थी व्रतमहं करिष्ये।”
- It means “I would observe the fasting of Karak Chaturthi for the wellbeing of the husband, sons and grandsons and to gain fixed wealth”.
- Eat the splendid ‘Sargi’ before sunrise and then get ready for the tough fast.
Afternoon rituals
- In the late afternoon women gather at a common place like temple or a garden or someones’ place who has arranged the pooja.
- An elderly lady or the pujarin narrates the legend of Karwa Chauth. (Please see my last post for legends of Karwa Chauth). One of the famous north Indian legends on Veeravati is given below in detail.
- The essentials of this gathering and listening of the Karwa chauth story , a special mud pot, that is considered a symbol of lord Ganesha, a metal urn filled with water, flowers, idols of Ambika Gaur Mata, Goddess Parwati and some fruits, mathi and food grains.
- A part of this is offered to the deities and the storyteller.
- An idol of Goddess Parwati is kept.
- Every one lights an earthen lamp in their thalis while listening to the Karwa story. Sindoor, incense sticks and rice are also kept in the thali.
- At this time the women wear heavy saris or chunries in red , pink or other bridal colors, and adorn themselves with all other symbols of a married women like, nose pin, tika, bindi, chonp, bangles, earrings etc.
- After Puja, Karwa should be given as charity to the Brahmin or some eligible woman. The Karwa or Karak should be filled with the water or the milk and precious stones or coins should be dropped in it. Karwa should be donated to some Brahmin or Suhagan women. The Mantra which should be chanted while donating Karwa –
- “करकं क्षीरसम्पूर्णा तोयपूर्णमथापि वा। ददामि रत्नसंयुक्तं चिरञ्जीवतु मे पतिः॥”
- It means “O milk filled Karwe with precious stones; I donate you, so that my husband is long lived”.
Moonrise rituals:
- Once the above rituals are completed, the women wait for the moon to rise.
- When the moon rises, the women see its reflection in thali of water, or through a dupatta (veil) or chalani.
- They offer water to the moon and seek divine blessing.
- Then, they turn to their husbands and see their faces in the same manner and pray for the safety, prosperity, and well-being of their husbands.
- After that, they are given a piece of sweet and a sip of water by their husbands.
- This marks the end of the day long fast.
Ayurveda and Karwa Chauth:
The ancient Indian medical system of Ayurveda sees the basic cause of many diseases as the accumulation of toxic materials in the digestive system. Regular cleansing of toxic materials keeps one healthy. By fasting, the digestive organs get rest and all body mechanisms are cleansed and corrected. A complete fast is good for heath, and the occasional intake of warm lemon juice during the period of fasting prevents the flatulence.
Veeravati Katha for reference:
A long time ago, there lived a beautiful princess by the name of Veeravati. When she grew up, she was married to a king. On the occasion of the first Karva Chauth after her marriage, she went to her parents house to do the vrat. After sunrise, she observed a strict fast. However, Veeravati was very delicate and could not stand the rigours of fasting. By evening, Veeravati felt very weak, and fainted. Veeravati had seven brothers who loved her dearly. They couldn’t stand the plight of their sister and decided to end her fast. They made a fire at the nearby hill and asked their sister to see the glow. They assured her that it was the moonlight and since the moon had risen, she could break her fast. However, the moment the gullible queen Veeravati ate her dinner, she received the news that her husband, the king, was dead. She was heartbroken and rushed to her husband’s palace. On the way, she met Shivji and Parvati Mata. Parvati Mata told her that her husband the king had died because she had broken her fast by watching a false moon. However, when Veeravati asked her for forgiveness, Parvati Mata granted her the boon that her husband, the king would come to life but would be still very ill. When the Veeravati reached the palace, she found the king lying unconscious with hundreds of needles inserted in his body. Each day she managed to remove one needle from the king’s body. Next year, on the day of Karva Chauth, only one needle remained embedded in the body of the unconscious king. The queen Veeravati observed a strict fast that day and when she went to the market to buy the karva for the puja, her maid removed the remaining needle from the king’s body. The king regained consciousness, and mistook the maid for his queen. When the real queen Veeravati returned to the palace, she was made to serve as a maid. However, Veeravati was true to her faith and religiously observed the Karva Chauth vrat. Once when the king was going to some other kingdom, he asked the real queen Veeravati (now turned maid) if she wanted anything. Veeravati asked for a pair of identical dolls. The king brought back the dolls for her. The queen Veeravati always used to chant this song “Roli ki Goli ho gayi… Goli ki Roli ho gayi" (the queen has turned into a maid and the maid has turned into a queen). On being asked by the king as to why did she keep repeating that song, Veeravati narrated the entire story. The king repented and restored the queen Veeravati to her royal status. It was blessings of Goddess Parvati and the queen’s devotion and Her faith that won back her husband’s affection.
A Banker turned Astrologer. I research and practice Astrology, Numerology, Palmistry and face readings (Psychic).
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